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SAB Foundation

  • Focuses on SMMEs
  • Offers grants and interest-free loans
  • Mentorship, guidance, & network
SAB Foundation homepage
Author SAB Foundation. Screenshot of SAB Foundation website.
[Accessed July 27, 2023]

About SAB Foundation

The SAB Foundation, established in 2010 as part of South African Breweries Ltd's (SAB) black economic empowerment transaction, operates as an independent trust.

Its primary objective is to promote entrepreneurship in South Africa and contribute to the economic and social empowerment of historically disadvantaged individuals.

The foundation allocates significant funding each year to assist small, medium, and micro-sized enterprises (SMMEs). Their focus is on fostering entrepreneurship development, particularly among women, youth, individuals in rural areas, and persons with disabilities. Beyond financial support, the SAB Foundation offers business guidance and mentorship to help entrepreneurs thrive.

To achieve its mission, the foundation implements various programs. One notable initiative is the Tholoana Enterprise Programme, which offers financial grants and business development assistance to eligible entrepreneurs. Through this program, entrepreneurs receive funding and expert advice to nurture the growth and sustainability of their ventures.

Programs supported by the SAB Foundation

Aside from the Tholoana Enterprise Programme, the SAB Foundation is involved in other ventures. These include the University Seed Fund, which aids student entrepreneurs in higher education institutions, as well as the Social Innovation Awards and Fund, which recognise and supports social innovators addressing pressing societal issues.

Furthermore, the foundation engages in initiatives such as Disability Empowerment, SocioNext, Alumni Programmes, and the Rural Catalyst Programme. Each of these programs aims to advance economic empowerment and drive positive social change.

Leading the SAB Foundation is an executive team, with Bridgit Evans serving as the Executive Director. The foundation's activities are overseen by a board of trustees consisting of respected South African businesspeople who provide guidance and supervision.

Transforming communities: The SAB Foundation's collaborative approach to economic empowerment

To extend their impact and support entrepreneurs, the SAB Foundation collaborates with various partners, including EDHE (Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education Programme), Fetola, Further Impact, Impact Amplifier, and Socionext.

Through their provision of funding, business support, and mentorship, the SAB Foundation strives to uplift communities, stimulate economic growth, and foster a vibrant culture of entrepreneurship throughout South Africa.

SAB Foundation Services

The SAB Foundation is dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs in South Africa, and one of the key ways they achieve this is through their business grants and related funding.

The foundation understands that access to funding is often a significant challenge for entrepreneurs, especially those in their ecosystem. In response to this, the Tholoana Enterprise Programme Alumni Fund was launched in 2019.

Address the funding gap head on

The Alumni Fund was created to address the funding gap identified through annual surveys conducted by the foundation. It offers selected alumni the opportunity to access further support in the form of grants and interest-free loans, provided they meet specific criteria. The main objective of this growth fund is to enable participants to increase their turnover and create new job opportunities. Funding terms are determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the cash flow cycles of each business.

This initiative is particularly important for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) because most commercial banks consider them too risky for bridging finance or capital investment. Traditional financing options charge high-interest rates, often as much as 36%, making them inaccessible for many SMEs. The Tholoana Enterprise Programme Alumni Fund fills this gap by offering much-needed financial assistance, enabling SMEs to fulfil new contracts or invest in capital for business expansion.

Almost R6 million in investments

Since its inception, the Alumni Fund has made a significant impact. With a total investment of R5.9 million, it has supported 14 entrepreneurs and helped create employment opportunities for 321 people. The turnover of participating businesses has also experienced a remarkable increase of 464%, showcasing the tangible outcomes of the fund's support.

The stories of entrepreneurs who have benefited from the Alumni Fund highlight its effectiveness. Entrepreneurs like Thabiso Mncwabe of Twin Twice Tissues and Cherilyn Lucena of Tehilaa Gold Bag have experienced firsthand the positive impact of the funding and support provided by the SAB Foundation.

Through initiatives like the Tholoana Enterprise Programme Alumni Fund, the SAB Foundation demonstrates its commitment to empowering entrepreneurs and facilitating their growth. By addressing the funding challenges faced by SMEs, the foundation plays a crucial role in stimulating economic development and creating sustainable job opportunities in South Africa.

SAB Foundation – Business Grant

  • Loan Type Business Grants

Benefits of SAB Foundation

  • Established in 2010 as part of South African Breweries Ltd's black economic empowerment transaction.
  • Independent trust dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship in South Africa.
  • Focuses on small, medium, and micro-sized enterprises (SMMEs).
  • Prioritises entrepreneurship development among women, youth, rural individuals, and persons with disabilities.
  • Offers financial grants and business development assistance.
  • Administers programs like the Tholoana Enterprise Programme, University Seed Fund, and Social Innovation Awards.
  • Collaboration with partners and organisations for community upliftment.
  • Access to funding for entrepreneurs, addressing the funding gap.
  • Grants and interest-free loans to support business growth.
  • Job creation and increased turnover for participating businesses.
  • Effective support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Streamlined application process for business grants.
  • Support for businesses that align with the foundation's focus areas.
  • Access to mentorship, guidance, and the foundation's extensive network.
  • Focus on positive social impact, including job creation and skills development.
  • Opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the community and the economy.

Unlocking your business potential: how to secure a grant from the SAB Foundation

Applying for a business grant can be a significant milestone for entrepreneurs looking to take their ventures to the next level. For business owners seeking financial support and guidance, the SAB Foundation offers a streamlined process to apply for grants that can make a real difference in their entrepreneurial journey.

To begin the application process, entrepreneurs are encouraged to visit the SAB Foundation's website, where they can find detailed information about the available grants and funding opportunities. It’s important to thoroughly review the eligibility criteria and ensure that the business aligns with the foundation's focus areas, which include supporting women, youth, individuals in rural areas, and persons with disabilities.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Apply now for a grant from the SAB Foundation

Once the eligibility requirements are met, entrepreneurs can proceed with the application, which typically involves providing essential details about the business, such as its mission, products or services, target market, and financial projections. The foundation may also request additional documents, such as a business plan, financial statements, and proof of registration.

When preparing the application, it is crucial for entrepreneurs to clearly articulate their business idea, its uniqueness, and the potential impact it can have on the community and the economy. Demonstrating a strong understanding of the market, competitors, and the feasibility of the business model will greatly enhance the chances of securing a grant.

Moreover, the SAB Foundation values social impact and considers how the business aligns with its mission to contribute to economic and social empowerment. Therefore, entrepreneurs should emphasize the positive social outcomes their business aims to achieve, such as job creation, skills development, or addressing pressing societal challenges.

Throughout the application process, entrepreneurs should not hesitate to reach out to the SAB Foundation for any clarification or assistance. The foundation's team is dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs and can provide valuable guidance to help refine the application and ensure that all necessary information is included.

Craft an irresistible application for a business grant from the SAB Foundation

The competition for business grants is typically high, as many entrepreneurs aspire to receive support from the SAB Foundation. Therefore, presenting a compelling and well-prepared application is crucial. Entrepreneurs should take the time to review and refine their applications, seeking feedback from mentors or business advisors, if possible, to increase their chances of success.

By applying for a business grant from the SAB Foundation, you have the opportunity to access not only financial assistance but also the foundation's extensive network, mentorship, and business support. The foundation's commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and promoting economic growth makes it an ideal partner for business owners seeking to make a meaningful impact.

SAB Foundation Contact

Physical Address

Opening Hours

  • not available