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Purchase Order Funding

Purchase order funding allows you to secure up to 100% financing without the need for collateral or credit history.

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Secure up to 100% financing with no collateral

Purchase order financing can help you take on larger contracts and drive rapid business expansion.

In a nutshell purchase order finding enables you to secure capital to fulfill customer orders and only repay the debt once your customer has paid you.

Frequently Asked Questions

The power of purchase order funding in South Africa

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often face challenges when it comes to financing their operations. One of the biggest hurdles is a lack of cash flow to fulfil customer orders.

Fortunately, purchase order funding is a popular financing option for SMEs in South Africa that can help them overcome this obstacle. So, what exactly is purchase order funding?

Simply put, it's a type of financing that enables businesses to secure funds to fulfil orders from their customers. This means that businesses can access the capital they need to purchase raw materials or goods from suppliers without having to wait for their customers to pay them.

A growing trend

Over the past decade, purchase order funding has become increasingly popular among SMEs in South Africa. According to a survey conducted by Finfind - an online platform for accessing finance - 24% of SMEs consider trade finance and invoice discounting as one of their preferred forms of finance. Purchase order funding is particularly useful for businesses that have seasonal fluctuations or experience sudden growth spurts.

It allows them to take on larger orders without worrying about cash flow constraints. With this type of financing, businesses can focus on fulfilling existing orders while simultaneously taking on new ones, helping them grow and expand their operations.

How it works

The process of obtaining purchase order funding typically involves three main parties: the business owner (the client), the supplier (who fulfills the order), and the financier (who provides the capital).

Here's how it works:

  1. The business owner receives an order from their customer but doesn't have enough cash flow to fulfill it themselves.
  2. The business owner approaches a financier or lending institution who provides them with the capital to purchase the necessary goods from a supplier.
  3. The supplier then delivers the goods directly to the customer, and the business owner invoices their customer for payment.
  4. Once payment is received from the customer, the business owner pays back the financier with interest and any other associated fees.

Why SMEs need purchase order funding

Cash flow constraints are one of the biggest challenges that SMEs face. Without access to sufficient funding, they may not be able to take on new orders or fulfill existing ones in a timely manner.

This can lead to missed opportunities and revenue loss. With purchase order funding, businesses can access capital quickly and efficiently, allowing them to focus on growing their operations without worrying about cash flow constraints.

In addition to improved cash flow, purchase order funding also provides additional benefits such as reducing risk and increasing security for suppliers. For instance, suppliers are assured of receiving payment from a reputable lending institution in case of any default by a borrower.

As such, it encourages suppliers to accept large orders from SMEs that they may have turned down in other circumstances. Purchase order funding is an effective financing solution for SMEs in South Africa who need help fulfilling their customers' orders while avoiding cash flow constraints.

It has become increasingly popular due to its simplicity and flexibility in allowing businesses quick access to finance without necessarily having collateral or credit history requirements. It's no wonder that many businesses are turning towards this type of financing as a means of growing their operations over time.

What is purchase order funding?

Purchase order funding is a type of financing that helps businesses fulfil large orders without straining their cash flow. Essentially, it's a loan that allows businesses to pay their suppliers upfront for the materials needed to fulfil an order, then repay the lender once the customer pays for the goods.

In South Africa, purchase order funding is becoming increasingly popular among businesses looking to expand and take on larger orders. With access to this type of financing, companies can take on new customers and grow their operations without worrying about cash flow constraints.

Purchase order funding essentially involves a three-way agreement between a business, its supplier and a lender.

Here's how it works:

  1. The business receives a large customer order and doesn't have enough cash on hand to pay for all the materials needed.
  2. The business obtains purchase order financing from a lender, which provides enough funds to cover the cost of the materials from its supplier.
  3. The supplier delivers the materials directly to the business or its manufacturing facility.
  4. The business manufactures or assembles the goods and delivers them to its customer.
  5. Once payment is received from the customer, the lender is repaid along with any applicable fees or interest charged by them for providing this funding solution.

The benefits of purchase order funding

Running a successful business can be challenging, especially when it comes to managing cash flow and taking on larger orders. This is where purchase order funding comes into play- it allows businesses to access the capital they need to grow and succeed. In this section, we'll explore some of the benefits that Purchase Order Funding can offer businesses in South Africa.

Improved cash flow for businesses

One of the most significant benefits of Purchase Order Funding is that it improves cash flow for businesses. When a company receives a large purchase order, they may not have enough funds available to purchase the materials needed to fulfill that order. By securing financing through PO funding, businesses can ensure they have the necessary funds on hand to purchase these materials and complete their orders.

This improved cash flow can help companies avoid delays in fulfilling orders or having to turn down new business opportunities due to lack of funds. It also means that businesses don't have to rely on personal savings or credit cards as a source of financing.

Ability to take on larger orders and grow the business

Another benefit of PO funding is that it enables businesses to take on larger orders than they otherwise would be able to manage. With access to additional capital, companies can accept more significant contracts without worrying about how they'll pay for the necessary materials or labour costs.

This ability to take on larger contracts means that companies can grow their business more quickly than they would be able if relying solely on their own resources. As they continue taking on more contracts, this growth trajectory will only continue upward.

Reduced risk and increased security for suppliers

Purchase Order Financing also provides suppliers with increased security through reduced risk factors such as non-payment from customers or disputes over quality control. By working with a lender who specializes in PO financing, suppliers can rest assured that they will receive payment on time and in full for orders that have been pre-approved.

Additionally, PO financing can also reduce the risk of over-extension by suppliers who may take on more work than they are able to handle. By having access to capital to fulfil larger orders, suppliers can grow their businesses without taking unnecessary risks.

Other benefits

Some other benefits of purchase order financing include faster turnaround times for payments, as well as increased bargaining power when negotiating with suppliers or customers. Overall, it's clear that PO financing is an excellent option for businesses looking to grow and succeed. In the next section, we'll dive into the eligibility requirements for businesses looking to secure funding.

Eligibility for purchase order funding

Not all businesses are eligible for purchase order funding. Lenders typically have strict criteria that businesses must meet in order to qualify for funding.

Here are some of the key factors that can impact eligibility:

Financial stability

To be considered for purchase order funding, a business must demonstrate financial stability. This means having a strong credit score, positive cash flow, and a history of paying bills on time. Lenders will also look at the company’s revenue and profitability to determine whether it is financially stable enough to repay the loan.


Purchase order financing is essentially a short-term loan that is designed to help businesses meet their cash flow needs. Therefore, lenders will want to see that the business has sufficient liquidity - or access to cash - in order to repay the loan.

Creditworthiness of customers

The creditworthiness of a business’s customers is another important factor in determining eligibility for purchase order financing. Lenders may require businesses to provide detailed information about their customers’ credit history and payment habits in order to assess risk.

Type of business

While purchase order financing can be used by businesses in many different industries, there are certain types of companies that may be more likely to qualify than others. For example, manufacturers and distributors who have long lead times between production and payment may benefit from this type of financing.

How to apply for purchase order funding

If your business needs cash flow to fulfill purchase orders, then applying for Purchase Order Funding in South Africa may be the solution. The process of applying for funding can seem daunting, but it's actually quite straightforward. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply:

Step 1: Find a provider

The first step is to find a reputable funding provider in South Africa that specializes in Purchase Order Funding. You can do this by researching online or asking for recommendations from other businesses in your industry.

Step 2: Submit an application

Once you've found a funding provider, the next step is to submit an application for funding. This typically involves filling out an online form or providing information over the phone. Make sure you have all the necessary details about your business and purchase orders ready.

Step 3: Provide documentation

In order to secure funding, you'll need to provide documentation related to your business and purchase orders. This may include financial statements, bank statements, purchase orders, and invoices. Make sure you have these documents prepared and ready to submit.

Step 4: Wait for approval

After submitting your application and documentation, it's time to wait for approval from the funding provider. This process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks depending on the provider and complexity of your application.

Step 5: Receive funds

If approved, you'll receive funds from the funding provider which you can use to fulfill your purchase orders. Make sure you understand all terms and conditions associated with the funding before accepting it.

Required documentation

In order to apply for purchase order funding in South Africa, you'll need to provide a range of documentation related to your business and purchase orders.

Here are some examples of the documents that may be required:

  • Financial statements - including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements
  • Bank statements - showing your business's cash flow and financial stability
  • Purchase orders - outlining details about the products or services you will be providing
  • Invoices - demonstrating that your clients have agreed to pay for the products or services provided
  • Contracts or agreements - outlining the terms and conditions of the purchase orders

It's important to note that different funding providers may require different types of documentation. Make sure you understand exactly what is required by your chosen provider before submitting an application.

In addition to these documents, you may also need to provide personal identification such as a driver's license or passport. This is typically required as part of anti-money laundering regulations.

Keep in mind that providing accurate and complete documentation is essential for securing funding. It can also help speed up the approval process.

Risks associated with purchase order funding

Don't get stuck with unsold inventory!

One of the biggest risks associated with purchase order funding is the potential for unsold inventory. If a business secures funding for a large order, but is unable to sell all of their product, they may be left with excess inventory and a significant financial loss.

To mitigate this risk, it's important for businesses to thoroughly research their market and demand before accepting any orders. By accurately forecasting demand and ensuring that there is sufficient market demand, businesses can avoid being stuck with unsold inventory.

Make sure you're working with reputable suppliers

Another potential risk of purchase order funding is the reliability of suppliers. If a supplier fails to deliver the promised goods on time or at all, the business may be unable to fulfill their customer's orders and could face negative consequences such as damaged reputation or cancelled contracts. To mitigate this risk, businesses should only work with reputable and reliable suppliers that have a proven track record of delivering quality products on time.

Consider potential delays in delivery

There can be numerous factors that lead to delays in delivery, such as weather conditions, production issues or logistical challenges. These unforeseen circumstances could potentially lead to missed deadlines and negatively impact both the supplier and business involved in purchase order funding. Businesses must factor in these risks when planning for purchase order financing arrangements by adding extra cushions into production schedules or having backup suppliers available.

The possibility of chargebacks

Chargebacks are another potential risk associated with purchase order funding arrangements. Chargebacks occur when customers issue refunds or disputes over payments made for products they receive from businesses - even if those payments were already paid through purchase order financing agreements between the supplier and financial institution backing them up (i.e., banks). With chargebacks happening within 30-60 days after the transaction, businesses must be proactive and have a strong dispute resolution process established to avoid them.

Fraudulent activities

Fraudulent activity is a risk that every business must face in one way or another. This could be anything ranging from fake purchase orders, fraudulent invoices to suppliers who never existed.

To mitigate this risk, businesses should conduct thorough background checks on both their suppliers and customers before entering into any financing contracts. Additionally, it's important to maintain an open line of communication with your financial institution or lender for any suspicious or unusual activity.

Potential drawbacks and how to mitigate these risks

Higher costs

One potential drawback of purchase order funding is the higher costs associated with it when compared to traditional business loans. The lender may charge high fees for services such as credit checks, underwriting and processing. To mitigate this risk, businesses should shop around for lenders who offer competitive rates and fees while still providing reliable services.

Loss of control

When opting for purchase order funding, businesses give up some control over their supply chain management as well as sales processes. Financial institutions involved in the process have their own set of rules that may not necessarily align with those of a particular business owner’s desires or best interests at all times. To mitigate this risk, it's important for businesses to carefully review all terms and conditions before signing any financing agreement.

Negative impact on relationships with suppliers

Purchase order financing can sometimes put a strain on relationships between suppliers and their customers. For instance, if payment terms are not clearly defined upfront or if there are issues with delivery timelines due to funding delays - suppliers may feel uneasy about continuing to do business with that customer moving forward. Therefore it becomes important that proper communication is maintained throughout the entire process by both parties involved so everyone can stay aligned in achieving mutually beneficial goals.

Ensuring compliance with regulations

There are various regulations and laws that govern the lending process. When opting for purchase order funding, businesses must ensure that they comply with all applicable regulations. For instance, businesses may be required to provide financial reports or obtain certain licenses before securing financing from a lender. To mitigate this risk, it's important for businesses to work with experienced and knowledgeable professionals who can help them navigate any regulatory hurdles.

The bottom line

While there are potential risks and drawbacks associated with purchase order funding, these can be mitigated through careful planning and due diligence by both financiers and businesses. By carefully considering the benefits as well as potential challenges of this financing option, businesses can make informed decisions that ultimately lead to growth and success in their respective industries.

So, what are the key takeaways?

We've explored the world of purchase order funding. We defined and explained what purchase order funding is, how it works, and explored its benefits for businesses. Additionally, we discussed the eligibility criteria for this type of funding as well as the application process involved. We also examined some potential risks associated with purchase order funding and ways to mitigate them. All of these points are crucial for any business owner who is considering using purchase order funding to improve their operations or achieve growth. 

Purchase order financing remains a popular option among many businesses in South Africa today due to its unique benefits and flexibility. If you're a business owner looking for an alternative financing solution that will help you grow your company while avoiding traditional banking red tape, then purchase order funding may be worth exploring further.

Now it's time to find a purchase order funding partner that will meet your needs. Below you'll find a collection of business finance providers that specialise in purchase order funding. 

List of direct lenders offering Purchase Order Funding

  1. RM Capital Purchase Order Funding

    RM Capital

    • Transparent and straightforward
    • Pay once you get paid
    • Customised PO deals
  2. Bright On Capital Purchase Order Funding

    Bright On Capit...

    • Loans up to R250,000
    • Covers up to 70% of PO
    • Term up to 3 months
  3. Unahina Solutions Purchase Order Funding

    Unahina Solutio...

    • 98% funding approval rate
    • Specialist finance consultants
    • Quick and effective decisions
  4. Bridgement Purchase Order Funding


    • Choose one or several invoices
    • 100% invoice finance
    • Pay one fee for each advance
  5. BizFunding Purchase Order Funding


    • Bad credit acceptable
    • Seamless application process
    • Start-ups welcome
  6. Profit Hub Purchase Order Funding

    Profit Hub

    • Starting from R250,000
    • Suppliers paid directly
    • Expert knowledge and advice
  7. Spartan Purchase Order Funding


    • Loans up to R25,000,000
    • Pay-out time of 10 days
    • Small or medium-sized SMEs
  8. Merchant Factors Purchase Order Funding

    Merchant Factor...

    • Small and medium businesses
    • Funds paid to suppliers
    • Quick and efficient application
  9. The People's Fund Purchase Order Funding

    The People's Fu...

    • Quick access to funding
    • Cost is 6% or more of profits
    • Pays your suppliers directly